The old town of Ostuni is better known as La Città Bianca - The White City. Initially built by the Normans close to the year 1000, Ostuni was created at a 229 metres (751 feet) high hilltop and its slopes. Walls and towers were meant to protect it against its enemies.
There is a Polish touch to this city, as the later Queen of Poland Bona Sforza got Ostuni as part of her wedding treasure from her mom Isabella, the Duchess of Bari, in the early 1500s. Not that one notices much Polish in Ostuni's Centro Storico (Historic Centre) itself - apart from the accidental tourist.
Being one of them I visited the hilltop beauty twice, in 2018 and on the 2nd day of the year 2022. The series below are mostly from the last trip.
The "New Town"
For those who walk accidentally in the other direction than the historic hilltop centre, will be greeted by many white buildings too. Although the roads are wider, and the buildings more modern - visually the White Town extends much beyond its historic boundaries these days.
The outskirts